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Good friends we have had, oh good friends we've lost along the way
In this bright future you can't forget your past
So dry your tears I say

                                     - Bob Marley


Recovery is challenging, but never impossible. But for some people the fight could not be won. Either through overdose, accidents, or health problems related to alcohol and substance abuse, many just didn't make it to the finish line.


RECOVERY TV invites you to upload a brief commemorative biography and picture of someone special who left your life too early.  We'll share your commemoration with our online community by posting it in rotation on a special web page and on our YouTube channel.




Once we receive our first thousand submissions, we'll create a beautiful commemorative photo mosaic and hang it in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) to remember the people we've lost to drug and alcohol abuse, as well as other behavioral disorders.  

Gone but never forgotten...

NOTE: All biographical information and photos uploaded through this page are kept in strictest confidence and protected by RECOVERY TV's Privacy Policy

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