Let's Get to Work
Let's Get To Work
Various options to choose from...
I'm ready to produce videos and want to know costs
I want to produce a great LANDING PAGE ABOUT Video
Get a monthly supply of 2-3 Videos to Boost Engagement & Drive Sales
24/7/365 YouTube Channel Management & Content Strategy Support
I just want to produce a great LANDING PAGE ABOUT Video
The Proven 5-Point Plan for YouTube Success
1. Produce a 1-minute website LANDING PAGE Video to give clients a beautiful visual tour of your facility, a warm welcome from your staff, and states your strong value proposition
2. Follow that up with a longer 2-minute ABOUT Video that takes a deeper look at what sets your facility apart, and includes interviews with management, and before/after testimonials from successful alumni
3. Create a YouTube Channel to show the world your originally-produced content, grow your subscribers, likes and shares, and then use that community to market for you
4. Generate 1-2 new 90-second video(s) a month to premiere on the YouTube channel, post on social media, and push out via monthly newsletters
5. Solicit testimonial videos and content from alumni and creators who share your values and want others to know about your excellent service and patients' favorable outcomes
VIDEO is a key ingredient in your treatment facility's outreach plan because it lives across your entire marketing ecosystem
OWNED MEDIA (Your Website)
EARNED MEDIA (Your Social Media Posts)
PAID MEDIA (Your Google/Facebook/LinkedIn/YouTube Ads)